Getting your own personal hearing aids can be such a life changing experience, especially if you have been dealing with hearing loss for some time. A good set of hearing aids can help you to achieve freedom and independence, as well as encouraging you to form and maintain the strongest connections with those dearest to you.

So, when your hearing aid seems to have a fault or suddenly stops working, it can be a very disappointing and even potentially isolating experience. You need to be able to get your hearing aids back to full working order so that you can once again benefit from the best quality of life! But, how do you know if your hearing aid needs professional repairs?

Well, fortunately this guide aims to answer exactly that. You’ll be able to find out what steps to take for a number of different problems that you might fall victim to when using your hearing aids, so that you can pursue the most effective, efficient and affordable fix in the shortest time! So, what are you waiting for?

Troubleshooting Your Hearing Aids

Troubleshooting your hearing aids will help you to get to the bottom of what’s really up with your devices. Be sure to check your owner’s manual whenever you are troubleshooting your devices, as every model is a little bit different and should be treated as such. For most hearing aid types, you can assess the following features to troubleshoot why your device isn’t working as it should be:

  • Inspecting the microphone: If your hearing aid is silent or has feedback, then the microphone may be obstructed in some way.
  • Checking for signs of damage: Damage such as loose components and connections can occur on your hearing aid and will worsen if left unresolved.
  • Testing your battery: Testing your battery is key, as you need to see whether it’s inserted properly and holding power well. Even if it’s a reusable or rechargeable battery, as they still need to be replaced at some point in time.
  • Identifying wax buildup: Inspecting your hearing aid to make sure wax is not building up is key, as wax can interfere with functionality.

When To Seek Professional Help

Self-maintenance might be a possibility in some cases, however most if not all of the issues mentioned are best solved by a professional audiologist if you want to get the best possible results. If you fail to act on any of these symptoms and simply leave them to fester, then you risk doing further damage to your hearing aid which may end up being irreparable.

A hearing aid will require professional servicing from an audiologist if problems continue despite carrying out regular maintenance duties, as this suggests that your independent efforts might not be enough to take great care of your device. You rely on your hearing aid for everyday communication amongst many other things, so it’s important that you can act on any problems sooner rather than later.

Getting your hearing aid repaired by a professional doesn’t always mean that you have to send your hearing aid away, as some situations require a simple fix that can be done in minutes while you wait. This is often the main stumbling block that holds people back from wanting to take their hearing aid to a professional, as there’s a general false impression that it takes weeks or even months to get your devices fixed and returned.

In fact, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In many scenarios, you’ll be able to take your hearing aids to your audiologist and have them back in great working order in less than an hour or two.

Of course, the time that it takes for your audiologist to fix and return your hearing aids will depend on the severity of the damage. For particularly complex or expensive repairs that may take longer to complete, you’ll likely be able to source a backup device or pair that you can use until your own set is returned to you. This will mean that you can still navigate your hearing loss while your devices are being brought back to life!

If you notice any warning signs that might suggest your hearing aids have a fault or issue, then it’s best to take them to your audiologist before the situation can get any worse. Catching problems before they can fester will make it both faster and cheaper to resolve, so take the time to check your hearing aids on a regular basis.

If you’d like to learn more about how a professional can help you with hearing aid repairs, call our friendly team at Advanced Hearing of Brighton at 810-355-2245.

Tags: hearing aid troubleshooting tips