Hearing is unquestionably one of life’s greatest blessings, which is why hearing loss can be a frightening experience for anyone who is experiencing it. In many situations, this condition can be treated to restore the advantages of clear hearing. An audiologist, however, can’t assist you until the issue is recognized. This is why, if you notice any of the different signs of hearing loss, you should have a hearing test with a dedicated, professional audiologist.

It can often be challenging to diagnose hearing loss, particularly if you don’t know what good hearing should sound like. Consider getting your hearing checked if you notice any of the symptoms or if any of the signs listed below are relevant to you.

It’s Been a Long Time Since Your Hearing Was Last Checked

Early identification of hearing loss and rigorous monitoring are particularly beneficial for long-term hearing treatment. Hearing tests should be included in your annual health check-ups and performed on a regular basis, and at least every three years. If you haven’t had a hearing test yet, make an appointment with an audiologist near you now to ensure that you are checked out. The sooner you do this, the better; the earlier any hearing loss is detected, the earlier something can be done about it.

If you feel that you or a loved one has a hearing problem, it’s important that you don’t wait; schedule an appointment right away. Learning about your hearing and how to avoid more hearing loss might give you time before you need to consider having a hearing aid. Your audiologist will go through the techniques you can use to improve your hearing, but only if you make an appointment in the first place.

You Have a History Of Noise Exposure

If you work in a loud setting or have a pastime that exposes you to a lot of noise, such as attending concerts or shooting, you should schedule a hearing test to have your hearing evaluated for noise-induced damage. Your audiologist can evaluate the extent of the damage and if the hearing loss is permanent. If this is the case, you might think about getting hearing aids. Hearing aids are now small, almost invisible bits of technology that can do much more than just help you hear better.

Your audiologist will configure your hearing aids to increase the volume of noises you can’t hear while decreasing the volume of those you can, providing you with a custom hearing solution. Modern hearing aids may also be linked to your television, smartphone and computer.

You Have to Keep Turning Up the Volume

This symptom of potential hearing loss is quite simple to identify since you can actively see whether you’ve begun cranking the volume on your TV, stereo or phone. If it’s just an infrequent occurrence, it might be because the broadcast has a lesser output and is actually quieter than other shows. However, if you find yourself needing a higher level of volume on a regular basis, it may indicate that you have an ear condition. Even if it’s simply a wax accumulation, it’s critical that you get medical attention.

You’re Find It Hard to Understand Speech

Everyone has to ask someone to repeat themselves every now and again. However, if you find yourself doing this frequently, particularly if you question many different people, this might be a symptom of hearing loss. Another red flag is difficulty understanding what others are saying when there is background noise. Always seek assistance from a certified audiologist if you feel this is something that’s happening to you a lot.

A Family Member Has Hearing Loss

If you have a hearing-impaired family member, you are more likely to get the condition yourself. Early identification of hearing loss may help to avoid total hearing loss and improve patient outcomes. A hearing test with an audiologist will provide you with information about your hearing health and put you in the best position to control the early onset.

You Have to Twist Your Head or Body to Hear

If you have to shift your body to hear things, you may have hearing loss in one ear. Similarly, cupping the ear to block out background sounds. Both methods may be beneficial in the short term; however, this is not something you can rely on forever, and a hearing aid may be helpful – seek expert advice from an audiologist to see what can be done.

For more advice and to learn more about Advanced Hearing of Brighton, contact us today at 810-355-2245.